Stated Clerk's Corner
Annual Statistical Reports
Annual Statistical Reports
Every year Clerks of Session provide an essential function for the INP office and for our denomination as a whole to function at an optimal level – the sharing of information.
If you are a Clerk of Session within INP looking for guidance, this is the place. In a previous email from the INP office you should have received your individual church’s User I.D. and Password. If not, please contact the INP Office.
Presbytery Annual Reports – due to the presbytery office, February 7, 2025.
Forms to be completed are for presbytery commissioners, lay leadership, necrology and session members. You may view or download presbytery report forms at www.okinp.org/links-and-resources. Scroll to Clerks of Session – Annual Report Forms, download each form (AR-1 through 5), complete, and forward to the presbytery office at info@okinp.org or mail hard copies to the presbytery office.​​​
General Assembly Statistical Reports – due to G.A., February 7, 2025.
The forms will be available for on-line entry at oga.pcusa.org/stats starting January 2, 2025. The User I.D. and Password for your church was previously sent to each clerk (contact INP if you need this). NOTE: Sessions are to approve this report before submitting it to the General Assembly.
If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to call the Presbytery office (405) 524-0990.